
Mixed-Signal ASICs:
From design to good integrated circuits

Workshop on Affordable Design and Production of Mixed-Signal ASICs for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

When the engineer has finished the design work and the simulation delivers correct results, some people still think that the work is done.
In reality, many other aspects like test methodology, package selection, process tolerances and many more have a strong influence on the product performance and price in volume production.
Considering these aspects right from the beginning can save both, time and money. In this seminar, experts share their experiences and would also like to listen to and discuss yours.
Dates: May, 17th-18th 2011
 Option 1: Day 1 presentations only - CHF 175.-
 Option 2: Day 1 plus cultural & social events - CHF 250.-
 Option 3: Full program (Day 1&2) - CHF 350.-
Venue: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Klosterzelgstrasse 2, CH-5210 Windisch PDF
PDF Full documentation: flyer/program/presenters of the workshop/seminar at IME

PDF Flyer only
PDF Program (light) only
PDF Presenters only

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